Charlotte scores first job after working with Foundation

Charlotte scores first job after working with Foundation

On ERSA Employability Day, Foundation of Light is celebrating the success of Charlotte Laddie, who has completely changed the course of her life after working with Skills Officer Susan Kane.

Charlotte was referred to Susan in September 2022 having never been in employment at age 28. Two years later, she is closing in on her one-year anniversary working in the hospitality team at the Stadium of Light.

Charlotte started working with the Foundation after coming through a very difficult time in her personal life. After meeting with Charlotte over a coffee, Susan noted that she was very timid and low in confidence.

However, despite the clear breakdown in her confidence, Susan also observed Charlotte’s clear desire to turn her life around. She talked all about the qualifications that she had earned in the past but never used having not been in employment.

Susan suggested that Charlotte start with cookery courses. After first completing a non-accredited basic cookery course, Charlotte passed her Level 1 Home Cooking, then an online Food Hygiene course.

Charlotte’s enthusiasm for cooking continued, she didn’t want to stop over the holidays, and completed the Christmas cooking course. She continued building her qualifications by completing Level 1 Hospitality and Tourism.

Charlotte felt like she was ready for work and expressed this to Susan, who suggested that she start out with some volunteering at the Betsy Jenny Wellbeing Café. Charlotte met staff at the café and started attending their Ladies’ Group regularly.

As Charlotte’s skills and confidence grew, Susan started to talk to her contacts about possible openings for her. She managed to arrange a meeting with the Stadium of Light Hospitality Manager and accompanied Charlotte to the interview.

Charlotte was successful in her interview and worked her first shift as a waitress in hospitality at the Stadium of Light for the Lionesses match on Friday 22nd September 2023, almost a year to the day from when she first met Susan Kane.

On Charlotte’s reaction to landing her first job, Susan said: “She was really proud of herself and just so happy that someone had given her the chance to work.

“She’d never had that before because of her lifestyle. She wanted to change her life around and I knew that she meant it.”

Charlotte continues to take real pride in her work. With her confidence back, qualifications earned, and work experience, she is ambitious about her future, stating that she would like to run her own business one day.