Forces Family Fun

Forces Family Fun
Families of veterans can enjoy a free programme of activities at the Beacon of Light throughout the October half-term. Taking place on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th, the series of activities has been arranged in partnership with Veterans in Crisis and the Armed Forces Covenant, for the parents and children of those who have served and sacrificed for us. Over the course of the two days, families will be able to join many Remembrance-themed activities, including poppy painting, recognising a hero and designing football shirts. The week will culminate in an exhibition at the Beacon of Light, where family members can showcase their work and it will be presented to Veterans in Crisis as part of Remembrance Day commemorations. BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL Due to COVID-19, we have had to restrict numbers. There will be a limited number of family bubbles available for each session. A family bubble consists of one adult and two children under the age of 12 and families must be based in Sunderland. Session takes place 10am - 3pm and you will need to bring a packed lunch with you. Register your interest online– call 0191 563 4745 or email for more information.
Register your interest online– or you could call 0191 563 4745 or email for more information.