Perfect addition for Maths Week

Perfect addition for Maths Week
Happy Maths Week?! What is Maths Week? As the name suggests, Maths Week is a week-long celebration of all things maths! This is a grassroots movement to share the joy of mathematics with everyone, launching in 2019, it aims to provide young people with a positive image of mathematics, and to contribute to changing the national attitude towards something that’s not everyone’s cup of tea! Despite lockdown, the Foundation of Light is not letting the celebration pass by. We have an exciting new six-week programme ready to introduce to schools. Staff  have been working hard and are now trained to deliver coding courses with our brand new robot Spheros. Children in Keystage 2 and 3 will have the opportunity to develop their coding skills ,while also having lots of fun.  For more information or to register your interest please email  
 For more information or to register your interest please email