It was a World Book Day to remember for primary school students celebrating at the Beacon of Light as they were joined by Sunderland AFC stars Enzo Le Fée and Salis Abdul Samed.
More than 90 students from Seaview Primary and Barmston Village Primary took part in a day of book-inspired activities with the Foundation of Light.
The Black Cats duo surprised the participants, joining them for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory arts and crafts and a PE session based on Jack and the Beanstalk.
The youngsters and players also took part in a storytelling workshop with Sunderland author Anne Twine.

World Book Day aims to change lives through the love of reading, with an annual dedicated day to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own.
Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success – more than their family circumstances, their parents’ educational background or their income.
The schools involved are both part of Foundation of Light’s Premier League Primary Stars programme, which promotes literacy skills in schools while using the power of football and Sunderland AFC to engage children in education.
“When the players walked in the children’s faces just lit up,” said Football in the Community Manager Danielle Chapman.
“Getting first team players such as Salis and Enzo involved really is a great engagement tool to get important messages across to the children.”
At the end of the session, all students were given a free book, supplied by the National Literacy Trust, handed out by the Sunderland AFC players before some final signatures and photographs.
On his visit to the Beacon of Light, Salis said: “I have really enjoyed my time today.
“It’s my first time at the Beacon and to see the love we get from the children is great.”