Family Learning

Our FREE Family Learning programmes offer fun and interactive courses to help parents and carers support their child's development while strengthening family bonds and community relationships.
Courses are delivered over eight weeks with a session lasting two hours per week and focusing on various topics relating to child development, mental health, healthy cooking, and being a sports parents. All courses will have Maths, English, and Digital Skills embedded.
The sessions involve classroom-based and physical activities delivered by qualified tutors and coaches, using the power of sport and the Sunderland AFC brand to inspire and support families.
At the start of the course you will decide, with help from your tutor, what you would like to get out of the course. You will have the opportunity to review your progress and reflect on what you have learned at the end of the course, with the chance to progress into a range of Foundation of Light programmes based on your goals.
Below are the various courses currently on offer:
Family Learning Mental Healthy Minds (Sunderland and South Tyneside):
Our managing mindsets course will look at mental health in children and adults. This will include challenges and experiences they may face, feelings and emotions, exploring mindsets, and managing wellbeing.
Family Learning Introduction to Coaching - Child Development (Sunderland):
Our Introduction to Coaching - Child Development course will look at different aspects of coaching children, including growth versus fixed mindsets, creating a positive environment, incorporating play, learning styles, developmental psychology, designing practices, and reflective practice.
Family Learning Healthy Cooking (Sunderland):
Our cooking champions course delves into the different areas of the 'eat well' plate. Each week will focus on a different aspect and families will work together to create a food item based around the meal of the day.
Family Learning Being a Sport Parent (Sunderland):
Our newly launched adult only course looks at why children take part in sport, creating the environment, mindsets, communication with coaches and officials, setting realistic expectations, positively supporting your child's sporting journey, and developing a lifelong love for the game! This is a short course over four weeks and the sessions last one hour.
Venue: Beacon of Light, various schools

Walking Football
Age: 55+
Price: £1
Location: Sunderland
When: Tuesdays, 10am and Thursdays, 12pm
Ha’way and Weigh
Age: 16-19, 19+, 55+
Price: £24 Block Booking (12 Sessions)
Location: Sunderland
When: Various
Walking Football (Neurological)
Age: 16-19, 19+, 55+
Price: £3
Location: Sunderland
When: Tuesdays 12pm-1pm
Adult Learning Non-accredited Courses
Age: 19+
Price: Free
Location: Multiple Locations
When: Various