Keeping You Safe

We take safeguarding seriously.

Nothing is more important to us than the safety and wellbeing of the people that we work with. We ensure that our staff receive Enhanced DBS checks, and endeavour to provide up-to-date training with relevant agencies.

We commit to taking any reasonable action to ensure the safety of all those who use our services, whether they are children, young people or adults.

We work closely with the Football Association, the Premier League, the English Football League (EFL) and the NSPCC as well as Local Authority Safeguarding Boards across our delivery areas to ensure the best possible practice across our programmes.

Where we have reason to be concerned that someone may be subject to significant harm, ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, we will follow Sunderland Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) and Sunderland Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB) procedures and inform the relevant safeguarding board of our concern.

We expect all staff, volunteers and partners to share our commitment to maintaining a culture of vigilance, and believe that all staff, volunteers and partners have a responsibility to report any concerns about the welfare of any child, young person or adult at risk.

Designated Safeguarding Officers
Emma Carter - Designated Safeguarding Officer
Melanie Jones - Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Safeguarding Champions
Jamie Wilson
David Dowson 
Michael Colclough 

Criminal Record Checks

As part of our recruitment process, all of our staff undertake a Criminal Record Check (known as a Disclosure and Barring Service or DBS Check) at the appropriate level (Basic, Standard, Enhanced or Enhanced with Barred List).

For more information click here. 


The Foundation of Light contributes to the global effort to combat climate change by setting targets and commitments, taking specific action and implementing management systems so that environmental sustainability becomes central to ways of working and decision making.  The Foundation uses its profile and status to drive climate awareness and action among its stakeholders and participants.

The Foundation has procedures setting out our commitment to environmental sustainability.  Matters covered by these procedures include energy and utilities, transport, food, sourcing and waste management, and the Foundation’s commitment to comply with applicable environmental legislation and to avoid pollution.  

Foundation of Light Trustee George Clarke has responsibility for the oversight and promotion of environmental sustainability goals and an environmental sustainability working group.


Foundation of Light – EDI Statement

The Foundation of Light (FOL) promotes Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and challenges all forms of discrimination through its internal operations and in the delivery of its services in accordance with and commitment to the 2010 Equality Act. The FOL protects the rights of individuals and advances equality of opportunity for all.  It demonstrates the FOL’s commitment to continuous improvement in EDI to create meaningful and sustainable change. 

Our Key Supporters